Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

  • Compassionate & Motivating Personal Trainer
  • Personalized Total Wellness Plans & Group Cohorts
  • In-Person & Virtual Coaching Options
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Ask Eric Anything!

Have a question for an experienced personal trainer or want to know more about Envision Fitness? Find answers to our most frequently asked questions about boot camp, nutrition, weight loss, and more below.

Don’t see your question here? Feel free to reach out to us via phone or email!

Angles Right Icon Q: What makes Envision Fitness different?

A: Envision Fitness blends compassion with expectation. We meet you where you are and help you improve yourself.

We believe in the "infinite game" mentality that the only competition is with yourself and that the only way to lose is to quit on yourself.

Angles Right Icon Q: What are your boot camps like?

A: Our fitness boot camp is inspired by Eric's time spent training with the Marine Corps, blended with his love of seeing people work together to achieve a common goal.

Our classes combine strength training, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular conditioning. Each day of the week focuses on different muscle groups and intensity levels, so you will be constantly challenging your body.

Angles Right Icon Q: What can I expect from personal training with you?

A: We are devoted to compassion and meeting you where you are. But we'll also push you and expect you to push yourself.

We will help you remain accountable and disciplined and, ultimately, get you the results you're seeking.

Angles Right Icon Q: Can you help me recover from an injury?

A: Yes! Eric began his career as an injury-prevention and rehabilitation specialist.

Angles Right Icon Q: What if I can't do certain exercises?

A: We are always happy to help you modify an exercise. There are many different ways to do similar movements!

Angles Right Icon Q: What is your cancellation policy?

A: We do not believe in long-term contracts. We want you to continue working with us because you love it. If you do decide to cancel, your membership will end 30-days after you submit a written (hand or electronic) notice.

Angles Right Icon Q: Can I join and work out on my own?

A: No. We only offer personal training, nutrition coaching, boot camp classes, and metabolic coaching.

Angles Right Icon Q: How do I lose weight quickly?

A: The quickest way to lose weight is to sign up for our metabolic testing program.

You will receive a precise nutrition and exercise program unique to your body and your goals.


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