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4 Smart Eating Habits to Improve Your Workout

Getting smart about your eating habits will help you achieve your fitness goals. Check out these tips from Envision Fitness.

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Do Different Body Types Need Different Workouts?

No body is created equal and each body needs different fitness and nutrition to function. Find out which body type you are and how to effectively improve your fitness and nutrition.

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9 Factors That Impact Your Metabolic Rate

Many factors can impact your metabolic rate, and it is important to understand these factors in order to achieve total wellness.

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Fitting Exercise Into Your Desk Job

Sitting still for hours a day at your job can cause you to lose your ideal fitness level and can cause muscle and nerve damage. The lack of movement can lead to a loss of muscle mass, as well as stiff, painful muscles, pinched nerves, and sometimes more severe ailments. Fortunately, there are simple exercises you can do to remain active at your desk job and improve your overall health. At Envision Fitness, we will go over some of these exercises to help you feel better daily.

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Boost Your Company’s Success With an Employee Fitness Plan

Companies are jumping on Employee Fitness Plans to improve their employees’ health and well-being. Here’s why your company should, too!

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Metabolic Assessments: How Can Metabolic Testing Improve Wellness?

Envision Fitness explains how metabolic testing can help you better understand how your body functions, leading to improvements in weight loss and fitness.

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What We Choose to Take With Us

Invest Like the Best: Greatness Without Goals

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What is the Metabolic Triangle?

A common misconception is that an endurance athlete will be good at sprinting or that someone who does a lot of high-intensity sprinting will be good at endurance training. In reality, these two forms of exercise use vastly different muscles and energy systems.

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How to Achieve Total Wellness in Your 30s

Achieving total wellness in your 30s is vital to living a long, healthy life. Follow the tips in this guide to improve your health while in your 30s.

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Why “Springs & Brakes”?

There are many similarities that exist in most of the people I work with, much of the population, and in myself as well. Knee pain, lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatic/SI pain. Sound familiar?

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