Even at rest, your body is performing millions of chemical processes that make up your metabolism. Your metabolism plays a role in weight gain by influencing the amount of energy your body needs at any given point, and your excess energy is then stored as fat. 


However, a “slow metabolism” is not the only reason you might be slow to lose weight. Food choices, exercise, and several other factors can impact your metabolism. 


Envision Fitness strives to help our fellow Twin Cities citizens reach their potential in weight management, strength and cardio training, and overall health. That’s why we want to educate you on how your metabolism works and what risk factors can impact your metabolic rate. 


A better understanding is key to making the changes you wish to see. 

Factors That Affect BMR & Metabolic Rate

Your BMR, or basal metabolic rate, is the biggest component of your metabolism. It uses 50-80% of your energy, which is the energy your body burns to maintain functioning at rest. 


Let’s take a look at some of the factors that affect this rate. 

1. Muscle Mass

Your muscle mass is the amount of muscle tissue in your body. Muscles require more energy to function than fat, so more muscles means your body needs more energy to exist. 


Resistance training or strength training are the most effective ways to build and maintain muscle mass. 

2. Age

Unfortunately, as we age, our metabolism slows. This is because we lose muscle tissue and experience changes in hormones and neurological processes. 


On the other hand, children go through periods of growth with extreme rates of metabolism during development. 


That’s why it’s important to instill an active lifestyle into your children when they’re young. 

3. Body Size

Bigger bodies have a larger BMR because they need more energy to sustain their larger organs and fluid volume. Smaller bodies have a lower BMR. 

4. Gender

Generally, men have faster metabolisms than women. 

5. Genetics

If you ever feel frustrated with your weight loss progress, give yourself some grace. Some family genetics have faster or slower metabolic rates than others. 


Some genetic disorders also affect your metabolic rate. 

6. Physical Activity

The more often you exercise or get physical activity, the faster your metabolic rate will be. 


Exercise increases your muscle mass and increases your metabolism, which burns kilojoules faster, even when you’re resting. 

7. Hormonal Factors

Hormonal factors can influence your metabolic rate. Imbalances, such as hypo and hyperthyroidism, can affect your metabolism. 


If you suspect either of these is affecting your body, schedule an appointment with a doctor for testing. 

8. Drugs

Drugs, including pharmaceuticals, can affect your metabolism. Antidepressants and steroids can cause you to gain weight, no matter what you eat, while caffeine and nicotine can increase your BMR. 

9. Diet

Food can change your metabolism. What and how you eat has a big influence on your BMR. 


Choose whole foods and eat slower to savor your meal. 

Consider Metabolic Testing

If you’re not sure where you stand in terms of your metabolism, consider metabolic testing. Metabolic testing can give you an overview of your metabolic rate, your body’s ability to burn fat, how healthy your heart and lungs are, and more. 


Once you know your metabolic rate, you can take steps to improve by changing your diet, including more exercise or getting better sleep. 

Take the Leap with Envision Fitness in Minnesota

Envision Fitness can interpret your metabolic test results and help you develop a better lifestyle through exercise and nutrition. Our passionate team can assist you in reaching your lifestyle goals. 


If you are a business owner or looking for ways to get your team to reach better health goals, consider joining Envision Total Wellness


To see the Envision Fitness difference, give us a call at 612-968-5156 or contact us online.