Why should I pay for a personal trainer?


It’s the question fitness professionals probably get asked the most, other than “How do I lose weight fast?” And it has a complicated answer because there are many reasons to hire a personal trainer, and they vary from person to person. 


Envision Fitness wants to help you reach your goals, so we’ve highlighted some of the biggest reasons why a personal trainer is worth the cost. But before we get into it, we have one small request: We want you to forget about the dollar signs for a moment and just think about your life. 


If you could accomplish anything in the world, what would you do? What’s stopping you from doing it?


How much would you pay to feel good in your own skin? To build your confidence? To increase your energy and improve your mood? Whether it’s a one-on-one personal trainer, fitness boot camp classes, or a gym membership, there are many reasons to invest in yourself


Let’s talk about why personal training is one of the best investments you’ll ever make!

A Personal Trainer Can Help You Figure Out Your “Why”

Typically, during an initial consultation, your personal trainer will take time to get to know you and discover what you want from your one-on-one sessions. If you simply say you want to lose weight, they are probably going to make you dig deeper than that. 


Yes, we all want to be thin and/or muscular because that is what society has taught us to be “attractive.” But in reality, we all have a bigger reason that fuels our desire to transform our bodies – our “why.”


Envision Fitness trainers want to know your WHY. Why are you here, what prompted you to make the call? Many people will say they want to lose weight or tone their body; that’s wonderful. 


So what? WHY does that matter to you? 


We ask these questions so that your training program is individualized to meet your needs.


Your personal trainer will help you discover and understand your why and the roadblocks that may have prevented you from achieving your goals in the past. Then they’ll break down your ultimate goal into small, achievable milestones to work towards in your training. 


Reaching each of these milestones can help you build the confidence to push harder and think bigger in all aspects of your life. 

They Customize Your Fitness Routine to Help You Get Results

One of the most frustrating parts of working out and changing your diet is feeling like you put in a ton of physical effort – while starving yourself or missing out on indulgences – yet aren’t seeing the changes you want in your body. 


This is where a personal trainer’s health and fitness expertise comes into play. Your physical trainer understands exactly what it takes to lose weight, gain muscle, relieve chronic back pain, or increase athletic performance. 


They understand nutrition – healthy fats to include in your diet, good carbs vs. bad carbs, and how to determine the right macronutrients for your body. And they understand why your mindset is just as important as your physical work. 


With your personal trainer’s support, guidance, and custom fitness and nutrition plans created specifically for you and your body, you’re more likely to achieve the results you want to see – often much faster than you would on your own.

They Keep You Motivated & Hold You Accountable

A lot of times, you start a new workout program and are feeling very optimistic and motivated. But as the days slide by, you think, “It wouldn’t kill me to take a day off,” or “I’ll get back to eating right after this week.” 


Before you know it, you’re back to your old habits, and your progress fades away. It can be very hard to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable. Ever bought a fancy new dress or shirt on a whim? 


Same principle as starting a new workout program. It’s new, it’s shiny, and this time it’ll be different. That is motivation, not discipline, and certainly not consistency. After all, consistency is hard


When you invest in a personal trainer, they become your cheerleader and the biggest advocate for your health. They will be checking in regularly to see how things are going. Depending on how often you meet, your personal trainer may provide a workout routine for you to follow outside of your sessions together, as well as nutrition coaching. 


Your personal trainer holds you accountable and reminds you what it’s all for when you feel less than motivated about the whole process. They'll likely know if you lie to them about how much you exercised or what you’ve been eating – and call you out on it. 


Your trainer will remove emotion from the equation. You don’t “feel” like working out today? Too bad.

Envision the Life You Want to Lead & Go for It

If you’re new to the fit lifestyle, we understand paying for personal training sessions can be a big decision. But we promise when you invest in yourself and your health, the benefits far outweigh the cost. 


Just think – if you neglect your health, you could end up spending much more on medical bills as you age! Personal training can strengthen your body inside and out, help you overcome pain or injuries, and improve your mental health. 


The benefits go on…


Embedded within our core values are consistency and discipline. Without it, we would be a little more than your average gym. Emotion is vital; there’s no question. 


For example, you should always, always leave the gym feeling better than when you walked in. We simply remove it as an ability to make excuses and, ultimately, fail to reach our goals.


We each have our own personal goal, our WHY. But we’re all in this together, and when we learn and we care about each other’s goals, we become a community. 


That is what you will find at Envision Fitness. We are that community.

Book Your Free Consultation With Envision Fitness

Envision Fitness in Hopkins is here to help turn your vision into a reality if you're ready to invest in a better life! 


When you hire one of our elite personal trainers, you’re not only making the commitment to change your life; you are bringing someone into your life who will be cheering you on every step of the way. We work closely with you to create a custom program tailored to your desired results and check in weekly to ensure you have the support you need to meet your goals. 


Free nutrition coaching is included! What are you waiting for? Get started by booking a free, 90-minute fitness consultation with one of our trainers!


For more information about Envision Fitness personal training programs, call or text 612-405-8414. You can also reach us via email.